Social Studies
- Kate Sintros* Department Chair
- Liam Callahan
- Jeffrey Merrill
- Sara Monnat - 8th Grade
- Jessica Beeso - 7th Grade
Social Studies
The Social Studies Department offers a wide variety of courses in three main areas: history, social science, and geography. In order to graduate, students must earn ½ credit in global studies, ½ credit in economics, ½ credit in Civics, ½ credit in an elective, and 1 credit in American history. All freshmen take a World Cultures course during Fall Semester and Early American History in the spring term. Starting in 10th Grade, students can choose from a wide variety of courses and the vast majority of students take at least one credit of social studies each year as sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Juniors must take a one-semester economics course and all seniors take Civics, which is also a semester-length class. Most students supplement those classes with either semester-length electives or year-long Advanced Placement (AP) courses.
Courses:Social Science
- Economics
- Intro to Law
- Psychology
- AP Psychology
- Civics
- Sociology
Courses: History
- Early American HIstory
- American History
- Military History
- AP US History
- AP World History: Modern, and Western Civilizations
Courses:Global STudies
- World Cultures
- Global Issues
- Asian Studies